
Find answers, guides, and tutorials to supercharge your content delivery.

Using a WooCommerce CDN Combination

What is WooCommerce? WooCommerce is one of the most popular WordPress plugins for powering an online store. Due to its multiple integration opportunities and ease of use, it powers over 30% of online stores and according to WooCommerce has close to…

Pinpoint Website Performance Issues

In order to be able to improve website performance, you must first be able to pinpoint where possible issues are originating from. Website performance problems can occur for many different reasons. Therefore, the goal of this article is to help…

Static Site Hosting with a CDN

What is a static site generator? Static site generators eliminate the need for server side code, databases, and other resource intensive processes needed to generate a dynamic site. Rather, a static site generator takes the content, applies it to a…

Avoid Bandwidth Limit Exceeded

What is bandwidth limit exceeded? The term bandwidth limit exceeded means that the amount of bandwidth that was allocated to the hosting plan has been reached. Bandwidth is consumed when data is retrieved from the server and delivered to the end user…

Use Let's Encrypt with KeyCDN to Enable TLS

Let's Encrypt is a certificate issuing authority that allows users to issue SSL certificates free of charge. Let's Encrypt with KeyCDN gives customers a third option when securing their content vian SSL from the KeyCDN edge servers to their website's…

Using a Cloudflare CDN Setup - 3 Easy Steps

This tutorial walks through the process of setting up a Cloudflare CDN combination with KeyCDN. Cloudflare is different than most conventional CDNs in that your complete site is delivered via them whereas with a normal CDN, only the static content is…

7 Reasons You Should Use a Content Distribution Network

What is a content distribution network? In the world of web performance and optimization, content distribution networks (CDN) play a vital role in the delivery of content. A content distribution network consists of a group of servers that are…

KeyCDN WordPress Plugins

With the addition of the Cache Enabler plugin, KeyCDN now offers three official WordPress plugins to help increase website performance while keeping simplicity and ease of use in mind. Each plugin has a specific task and is meant to simply "plug…

WordPress Cache Enabler Plugin

The WordPress Cache Enabler plugin is a lightweight page caching plugin that creates static HTML files and stores them on your web server. This means that a static HTML file will be delivered whenever possible to provide users with the response data…

Cache-Control - How to Properly Configure It

What is Cache-Control? Cache-Control is an HTTP cache header consisting of a set of directives that allow you to specify when/how to cache a response and for how long. When you visit a website, your browser stores copies of the accessed data and…

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