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Perch CDN Integration

Updated on October 4, 2018

This tutorial shows how to complete a Perch CDN integration with KeyCDN.

  1. Create a Pull Zone before you start the Perch CDN integration.

  2. Log in to your Perch control panel.

  3. Open perch/config/config.php.

    1. Find the following function:

      define('PERCH_RESPATH', PERCH_LOGINPATH . '/resources');
    2. Update the function to the following replacing with your Zone URL or Zone Alias:

      define('PERCH_RESPATH', '' . PERCH_LOGINPATH . '/resources');
  4. If you have custom buckets prefix the web_path directive for any bucket that you want to serve from KeyCDN. First open perch/config/buckets.php.

    1. Find the following variable:

      'web_path' => '/my/bucket/path',
    2. Update the variable to the following replacing with your Zone URL or Zone Alias:

      'web_path' => '',

That's it! You're done with the Perch CDN integration.

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