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Grav CDN Integration

Updated on October 4, 2018

This guide covers the Grav CDN integration. Grav is modern flat-file content management system (CMS). It has a built in caching and is lightweight. Follow the steps below to integrate Grav with KeyCDN:

  1. Create a Pull Zone before you start the Grav CDN integration.

  2. Install the Grav CDN plugin in your root directory (e.g. /var/www/grav) by running the bin/gpm install cdn command:

  3. Open an editor and copy the following configuration into ./user/config/plugins/cdn.yaml:

    enabled: true                                           # set to false to disable this plugin completely
    pullzone:                       # pullzone domain / Zone URL
    tags: 'a|link|img|script'                               # HTML tags to search
    tag_attributes: 'href|src'                              # HTML tag attributes to search
    inline_css_replace: true                                # Replace inline css attribute references
    extensions: 'jpe?g|png|gif|ttf|otf|svg|woff|xml|js|css' # File extensions to replace on

    Replace pullzone with your Zone URL or Zone Alias.

  4. Verify if the assets in your Grav website are loading from KeyCDN:

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