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GoDaddy CDN Integration

Updated on October 4, 2018
GoDaddy CDN Integration

KeyCDN is a flexible and easy to use CDN that works seamlessly with the vast majority of content management systems, frameworks and also hosting providers like GoDaddy. Depending upon which plans/services you purchase from GoDaddy, you may or may not be able to take advantage of their content delivery network. However, using a dedicated CDN service such as KeyCDN will allow you to take advantage of great features that GoDaddy's CDN doesn't offer such as:

Using GoDaddy hosting in combination with a CDN

GoDaddy offers hosting packages that allow you to manage your own server and decide which CMS, framework, or content you want to host. Therefore, the integration process using GoDaddy hosting would be the exact same as if you were using any other hosting provider. Simply select the category your website falls under from the following list and find the CMS or framework that you used.

At this point, simply follow the integration guide and you'll have a GoDaddy CDN setup running in no time.

Using GoDaddy's website builder in combination with a CDN

The second scenario where you might want to use a GoDaddy CDN is if you are using GoDaddy's website builder. With this option, you don't have the flexibility to install your own CMS or framework, rather you must use GoDaddy's in-house site builder. Furthermore, there is no option to automatically integrate a third party CDN provider. Instead, you must sign up for either their Business Plus or Online Store plans which provide a feature they call "Globally-Optimized Speed".

However, in the event that you do use the website builder option and have certain assets that you would like to link to using a third party CDN URL instead, you can always use a custom CDN integration. To use this method, simply replace your origin URL with your CDN URL and you'll be able to start delivering that asset directly from the CDN. Do this for as many assets as you would like to help improve the overall speed of your website.

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