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b2evolution CDN Integration

Updated on October 4, 2018

This tutorial shows how to complete a b2evolution CDN integration with KeyCDN.

  1. Create a Pull Zone before you start with the b2evolution CDN integration.

  2. Open blogs/conf/_advanced.php to set the path variables to point to the CDN.

  3. Define a new variable at the beginning of the file replacing with your Zone URL or Zone Alias:

    $cdnurl = '';
  4. Replace the following variables:

    OldNew (replace)
    $rsc_url = $baseurl.$rsc_subdir;$rsc_url = $cdnurl.$rsc_subdir;
    $skins_url = $baseurl.$skins_subdir;$skins_url = $cdnurl.$skins_subdir;
    $media_url = $baseurl.$media_subdir;$media_url = $cdnurl.$media_subdir;

That's all. Check the HTML if all the URLs have been rewritten properly.

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