Private CDN

We offer a secure content delivery network with privacy in focus.

Looking for a private CDN? As a Swiss company we understand what privacy means to you. Our content delivery network has been developed in Switzerland with privacy in mind. We use the highest security standards when processing all data and never sell or share this information.

We provide a variety of security focused features to deliver your content securely. Each TLS certificate option is available for each account, whether using our shared certificate, your custom certificate, or the instant Let's Encrypt certificate integration. It does not cost extra and can be implemented within minutes.

We also offer additional security features like Secure Token and hotlink protection that allow you to keep your content private. Moreover, our Block Bad Bots feature allows you to save on bandwidth costs by blocking bad bots, spiders, and scrapers from crawling your content.

TLS certificate

Use a Let's Encrypt, shared, or custom TLS certificate for all HTTPS requests.

Restrict access

Two-factor authentication and IP address access rules prevent unauthorized access.

Safeguard content

Hotlink protection and token authentication keeps content private and secure.

Using a private CDN to secure your CDN data is important, however, you also may want to ensure your account is protected. That is why we provide users with account security features like two-factor authentication, account access rules through IP address restrictions, and account notifications.

We have various security settings that allow a flexible level of data protection without sacrificing performance. Given that privacy is such an important topic, it is vital to take advantage of the security features within all levels of your application. KeyCDN's private CDN is built with security in mind so that you can rest assured knowing that your data and account are protected.

Low pricing

Benefit from pay as you go billing and volume pricing as low as $0.01/GB.

Fast platform

Configuration updates only take a few minutes to be deployed across the globe.

No commitment

No contract required, allowing traffic volume to scale up or down at any time.

Get started for free

Try KeyCDN with a free 14 day trial, no credit card required.

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