
Insights and advice for improving web performance.

8 Ways to Speed up PrestaShop

8 Ways to Speed up PrestaShop

Although online shopping is much more convenient than going to a brick-and-mortar store, people tend to be less patient when making purchases over the internet. Users expect instantaneous reactions when they click on links. The longer they have to wait, the more likely they are to get cold feet. Consequently, online stores that prioritize speed make more money. If you use PrestaShop for your ecommerce website, you have many tools available to fine tune your shop's performance.

February 9, 2018 Read more
Popular HTTP Headers for Enhancing Performance

Popular HTTP Headers for Enhancing Performance

Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), the protocol on which the web relies, was introduced in 1991 as a way to handle the transfer of data between users and servers. In 2015, an updated version of the protocol known as HTTP/2 was established and accepted as the new standard, providing multiple improvements in performance and speed. However, not all performance issues have been resolved under HTTP/2, making it sometimes necessary for webmasters and developers to implement additional code in the form of HTTP performance headers to ensure users have optimal website experiences.

February 8, 2018 Read more

Optimizing Web Pages with the Save-Data Header

What are web users looking for when they perform searches with popular engines like Google? They want fast answers to their questions, swift access to products and services, or instant delivery of media content. Mobile users, in particular, prefer speedy websites, and sites unable to deliver the expected experience are quickly abandoned. In 2010, Google responded to this desire by making page load time part of the algorithm used to determine site rankings.

January 11, 2018 Read more

Measuring Web Performance - Analyzing What Matters Most

Professional web performance management has become its own industry, and rightfully so, as performance is vital to improving conversion rates, user retention, and more. However, the process of measuring web performance can take many shapes and with all the web performance metrics available it can be confusing to know which ones you should be tracking. This guide will serve as an overview of the ways you should be measuring web performance as well as provide additional insight and tools to help improve your site's web performance.

November 9, 2017 Read more

20 Best Practices for Improving JavaScript Performance

JavaScript is an integral part of practically every webpage, mobile app and web-based software. While JavaScript's client side scripting capabilities can make applications more dynamic and engaging, it also introduces the possibility of inefficiencies by relying on the user's own browser and device. Consequently, poorly written JavaScript can make it difficult to ensure a consistent experience for all users. This guide will explore the causes of JavaScript performance issues and provide a list of best practices for optimizing JavaScript code.

August 31, 2017 Read more

Speed Index Explained - Another Way to Measure Web Performance

Given that users' perceptions of time are ever changing, how do we know what "fast" means in terms of web performance? When we talk about speed, there are actually dozens of metrics to consider. For instances, start render, first paint and first meaningful paint are all terms used to describe how fast a page loads, but they all technically measure different things. Over the past half-decade, all of the factors that influence a web user's perceived performance and actual performance have been collapsed under the concept of speed index.

July 27, 2017 Read more

The Path to Improving Database Performance

Databases are the guts of an application; without them, you're left with just skins and skeletons, which aren't as useful on their own. Therefore, the overall performance of any app is largely dependent on database performance. There are dozens of factors that affect performance including how indexes are used, how queries are structured and how data is modeled. Consequently, making minor adjustments to any of these elements can have a large impact.

July 6, 2017 Read more

Using Google Lighthouse to Enhance Progressive Web Apps

As part of its effort to support progressive web apps, which offer a growing number of complex features, Google created Google Lighthouse to establish standards for today's web. With innovation accelerating at an ever increasing pace, new developers sometimes feel as though they are drifting in the dark when it comes to optimizing their websites. Google Lighthouse hopes to serve as a beacon to guide developers in a direction that is best for all users.

June 29, 2017 Read more

Essential Application Performance Management Tips and Tools

As an application's architecture grows, so does the risk of a component potentially malfunctioning. Working with a massive team of developers and administrators should theoretically ensure a well-oiled machine, but people make mistakes too, so it's helpful to a have automated tools that continually monitor all of the moving parts. That's why we have application performance management tools. What is application performance management? In web development, consistency is key. Application performance management (APM) is what developers do to make sure every user has a consistently positive experience.

June 22, 2017 Read more

KeyCDN Now Supports Stale-While-Revalidate and Stale-If-Error

KeyCDN is happy to announce that we now support both stale-while-revalidate and stale-if-error extension Cache-Control directives. Both of these directives aim to further improve content delivery performance by delivering stale assets to users in the event that assets need to be revalidated or if there is a problem fetching them. Both of these extension directives were introduced in RFC 5861 to provide better control over the use of stale responses from cache headers.

May 18, 2017 Read more
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