
Insights and advice for improving web performance.

Using a Secure CDN to Accelerate Your Content

Using a Secure CDN to Accelerate Your Content

Security is very important to us here at KeyCDN which is why we have various security features to help not only protect your content but also prevent unauthorized access to your CDN account. In this post we'll go over what makes KeyCDN a secure CDN and which features we provide to increase the security of your content and account. The importance of security According to a survey conducted by TeleSign, 40% of users said they had a security incident in the last year, meaning they had an account hacked, password stolen, or were given a notice that their personal information had been compromised.

November 8, 2018 Read more
23 Useful PHP Tools for the Everyday Web Developer

23 Useful PHP Tools for the Everyday Web Developer

Thanks to its reliable performance, extensive documentation and dedicated user community, PHP is one of the preferred server side scripting language of many web developers. Consequently, there are so many free and premium PHP tools available online that it's difficult for developers to determine which ones are worthwhile. Below is a run down of a few useful PHP tools for developers. Best PHP development environments 1. PHPStorm PHPStorm streamlines application development by offering integration with relational databases and other PHP tools.

November 1, 2018 Read more

KeyCDN Launches New POP in Helsinki

Today we're excited to announce that we've launched yet another POP location to help further supercharge our network's content delivery speeds. Our newest point of presence has been launched in Helsinki, Finland! The new POP is in production and has been automatically added to all existing Zones. POP in Helsinki further expands content delivery to Finland With the introduction of a POP in Helsinki, our presence in Europe becomes even stronger.

October 25, 2018 Read more

PostCSS - Transforming Your CSS with JavaScript

When it comes to CSS, there are always new tools being introduced to help us transform styles in a more fast and efficient manner. In 2013, PostCSS was released but it wasn't until mid-2015 when a lot of buzz really started to take place in the development community around PostCSS. Today, in 2018, PostCSS is still widely used in the development community and the project itself is still actively maintained by a large community of contributors.

October 18, 2018 Read more

Kubernetes Tutorial - An Introduction to the Basics

Google created Kubernetes to help developers better manage their containerized applications across clusters. Although a beta version was released in 2014, the first stable release of Kubernetes was just made available in September 2018. The following Kubernetes tutorial will cover the basic architecture and uses for this popular new tool. The need for containerization Today's internet users don't tolerate downtime, so developers have had to find ways to perform maintenance and updates without interrupting their services.

October 11, 2018 Read more

40+ Best Web Development Blogs

In the world of web development, those who become experts usually do so by learning from their predecessors. Reading and following the right web development blogs makes it much easier to get a solid education. That's why in this post, we've compiled a list of the top web development blogs that will help you find your footing and acquire essential skills in modern web dev. Where to learn web development Whether your new to the world of web development or have been in the industry for years, there is always new things to learn.

October 2, 2018 Read more

KeyCDN Launches TLS 1.3 with 0-RTT Support

Have you ever wondered about the security of your online communications? As we increasingly rely on the internet for our daily activities, from shopping to banking, it's important to ensure that our online interactions are protected from prying eyes. That's where TLS (Transport Layer Security) comes in - it's a protocol that provides secure communication over the internet. It has been quite some time since TLS underwent a major update. TLS 1.

September 27, 2018 Read more

Error Tracking - Top Suggestions and Tools

The key to success in life is learning from your mistakes. The same can be said for web development. Error tracking is a vital component to any web project because it helps you pinpoint performance problems before they get out of hand. Let's take a look at some of the best error monitoring tools and strategies for 2018. What is error tracking? Ideally, you want to identify bugs in your web application before users encounter them.

September 20, 2018 Read more

DDoS Protection - Why It Is Needed Now More Than Ever

In today's digital world, websites and online services have become an integral part of our daily lives. From shopping to banking to social media, the internet has made many aspects of our lives more convenient. However, this increased reliance on the internet has also made us more vulnerable to attacks, especially Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. Unfortunately, as the web rapidly evolves, so do the number of DDoS attacks and hackers with malicious intent.

September 13, 2018 Read more

A Collection of the Best Text Editors

All Windows and Mac machines have basic text editors, but TextEdit and Notepad aren't sufficient for serious web developers. Fortunately, there is no shortage of alternatives. Below is a roundup of the best text editors including free and premium options. Why would you need a more advanced text editor? Web and software developers use text editors to make code changes or start files from scratch using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, or any other programming language.

September 6, 2018 Read more
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