6 Reasons to Outsource Software Distribution

By Peter Meier
Updated on July 21, 2016
6 Reasons to Outsource Software Distribution

A content delivery network (CDN) is a crucial component when it comes to software delivery. KeyCDN has been designed for any kind of software distribution. We offer an excellent solution for software delivery that has to be fast, reliable and scalable.

Scale seamlessly

KeyCDN lets you distribute large amounts of data in a very short time frame that cannot be delivered by your own server. There is no need to enable a POP explicitly for a certain region. All our customers benefit from our global network and traffic will always be leveraged among the edge servers.

Easy integration

We make a CDN integration a breeze. Zones can be managed either via the dashboard or the API. Our API offers a generic and versatile interface for any other system. All essential action steps can be processed via the API. Also statistics are available via the API for any other system for further processing.

For better access control, individual FTP accounts can be granted for specific Push Zones. This user will only be able to upload content to a defined Push Zone without having access to the KeyCDN dashboard.

Analytics for best insights

The KeyCDN dashboard offers great near real-time statistics about the ongoing traffic. The dashboard shows the exact amount of bandwidth and requests per second. A geographical breakdown of the data is also available.

In addition to the stats in the dashboard, there is also the option to take advantage of real-time log forwarding. Each log entry can be forwarded to a server or third party solution of your choice for further processing and analytics.

Push new files in real time

Newly uploaded files to a Push Zone are instantly available on all edge servers. There is no waiting time! Unlike other CDNs, we built a solution that let's you distribute content right away. Uploading content to a Push Zone is convenient and fast. We offer both rsync over SSH and FTPS for a smooth and secure upload.

Secure delivery

KeyCDN ensures state-of-the-art security combined with a variety of access control features. Shared or Custom SSL are available for free and can be used for any Zone. Our edge servers offer the best level of security in terms of key exchange, cipher strength, protocols and certificates.

Software delivery can be further secured with additional access control features. Secure Token offers a high level of access control for a precisely defined time window. Hotlink Protection limits the accessibility of content to predefined referrers.

Transparent pricing

Our transparent pricing lets you estimate the cost for distributing new software packages. No surprises at the end of the month. Check out our calculator for custom quotes including any volume pricing.

Reliably deliver content to your customers anywhere and anytime. Take advantage of our rock-solid infrastructure. Our 100% uptime guarantees that content gets delivered wherever you need it.

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